Privilege Access Management Audit & Compliance Services
With financial service pressures on the rise, gross profits diminishing, governmental regulations changing, and technology advancing rapidly, the demands on financial services organizations are at an all-time high. As each day passes, it becomes more difficult for you to stay on top of day-to-day servicing of your clients. Therefore, it is imperative that you not only have strong management in place, but also have established and implemented accurate internal controls and operational processes to avoid misappropriation of assets, avoid fraudulent financial reporting, and reduce risk of control deficiencies.
Identity Access Mangement (IAM) Controls
OCD Tech has identified a critical gap in the overall Identity Access Management (IAM) control landscape. The deficiency lies in the ability to see the most important and privileged accounts, the system administrators.
Missing access in:
Local Microsoft Windows
Duplicate UNIX/Linux UID / GID membership
Sudo access
Inside MSSQL, Oracle, DB2, SyBase, Postgres databases
Privileged users have the most critical access to most if not all of the systems in an environment. While traditional IAM tools focus on the business application layer, the OCD Tech solution consolidate administrator identities with their associated entitlements targeted within operating systems, databases, network, and middleware platforms.

Download Our Service Sheet on PAM Here.
Any Questions?
Please feel free to contact our PAM practice lead, Robbie Harriman @ [email protected].