Discover Just How Vulnerable your Network is to Hacked Passwords. Many people use the same passwords across various websites and channels and as a result, these passwords may be circulating on the Dark Web.
Our Breached Password Test looks at your Active Directory and Reports the Compromised Passwords that are Currently In-Use so you can take the appropriate Action before Hackers Use them Against You!
Gain insight on how many users fall victim to this type of scam so that you can train your users to recognize them before it’s too late!
What The Breached Password Test Consists of:
- A Check to see if your company domains have been part of a data breach. This includes passwords.
- Checks to see if any of these breached passwords are included in your active directory
- Will not show the actual passwords of these breached accounts
Requirements: Active Directory, Windows 7, or higher (32 or 64bit)
Please Note: This analysis is done on the workstation that you install the Breached Password Test on. Confidential data never leaves your network and actual passwords are never disclosed.