Did you miss the DFARS cybersecurity deadline of December 31, 2017?
Originally issued in August 2015 and subsequently revised several times, DFARS clause 252.204-7012, otherwise known as the “Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting” clause, was established to provide protections over controlled technical information and covered defense information while in the hands of contractors and subcontractors.
If you are subject to DFARS clause 252.204-7012 and you are not compliant with the security requirements in NIST Special Publication 800-171 or have a detailed and credible Plan of Action and Milestones to become compliant in a short time, you are violating the terms of your contract. In fact, if you submit an invoice against a contract with the DFARS 7012 clause without being compliant or without notifying the DoD or your higher-up contracting officer, you could be committing fraud.
What can you do now? Contact us today – or join our webinar on Wednesday, February 7, 2018. Your situation is not hopeless, but you have to act today.
Register here: http://ocd-tech.com/dfarswebinar/